Τετάρτη 17 Μαϊου 2023
Sounding like they could have come out of Seattle on Sub Pop in the ‘90s, Prince Of Lilies are busting out raw, distorted, four-chord epics equal parts old school and new. Being described by the UK press as “Nirvana meets Hüsker Dü” and “The sound of Kings Of Leon being abused by Nirvana”, Prince Of Lilies fuse grunge, punk, and thrashing garage rock and takes indie rock and gives it a well deserved punch in the face leaving it bloodied, raw and stunned – replacing the smug self awareness with an injection of rock n roll spirit.
Their debut album VENT (released September 24, 2021 via Grunge Pop Records), was recorded on analog tape in just two days by Steve Albini, (Nirvana, Iggy Pop & The Stooges, Pixies), and is the kind of album that lets you believe in the power of passionate rock music again. Echoing the likes of Nirvana’s debut record or the early Tad and Mudhoney material – or anything for that matter on the early Sub Pop catalogue – these are dynamic pop songs with a hardcore edge, replacing slickness for a gritty live feel and punk attitude, managing to sound like the band is actually in the corner of your room threatening to tear a hole in your speakers.
New Noise Magazine wrote that VENT is actually “better than most grunge classics from the ‘90s” …and now here comes HURST their sophomore album produced once again by Albini.
Follow Prince Of Lilies on Spotify:
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Grunge Pop Records are bringing music lovers who miss the Seattle grunge sound of the late ‘80s and early ‘90s, modern bands that have that new grunge noise: loud, distorted, underground rock. Legendary founder of Sub Pop, Bruce Pavitt, who discovered and signed Nirvana and Soundgarden, was hired by Grunge Pop as their A&R consultant and label advisor.
For more information on Grunge Pop Records, go to:
The latest Greek press article:
Oι BANKAI απο Θεσσαλονικη ειναι ενα σχήμα με εμφανείς punk-rock καταβολές.
Κυκλοφορησαν προσφατα ενα δειγμα της μουσικης τους με 3 τραγουδια και παραλληλα δουλευουν το καινουργιο ακυκλοφορητο υλικο τους . !
Με την Χαρουλα Στεργιαδου στην κιθαρα και στην φωνη θα εμφανιστουν μαζι της ο Δημος Δημητριαδης στα drums, Θοδωρης Καμπουρακης στο μπασο και ο Νικος Καρ στην κιθαρα !
Υοutube Link : https://www.youtube.com/@bankaiBand
Insta : https://www.instagram.com/bankai_band/
FB : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086013955879
Rover Bar Events: https://roverbar.gr/events/